Infinite shades of purple
January 21, 2016
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- Publication date: 21 Jan. 2016
- Language: English
- Publisher: Pegasus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers
- Publication City/Country: Cambridge, United Kingdom
- Imprint: Vanguard Press
- Format: Paperback | 200 pages
- Dimensions: 130 x 200 x 11mm | 213g
- ISBN-10: 178465096X
- ISBN-13: 978-1784650964
The thirty pills in her pocket would soon take away the pain, the hurt, the sense of not belonging, and release her into a distant space where she could be free. Discarded by her latest lover by only a brief note scribbled on a napkin, Annabelle felt she had had enough of her life and whilst she did not want death, she wanted freedom.
A solitary walk in the park to compose her thoughts is suddenly interrupted by the mysterious appearance of a stranger, a man who seems to know all about her, and her plans to end her life. He seems to show a new way for her – a way into herself. She agrees to meet him for the next twenty-one days and gradually she starts to discover who she really is. Her mind is released, she feels beautiful within and consequently beautiful without and looks upon the world in a new way. She learns to love herself and pass a pure love on to others.
But this strange man… He is so much of her life now. Who or what is he?
Cele treizeci de pastile din buzunarul eroinei aveau să o scape în curând de durere, de rănile din suflet, de senzaţia de a nu aparţine nicăieri, şi să o poarte într-un spaţiu îndepartat unde avea să fie în sfârşit liberă. Părăsită de ultimul iubit cu un bileţel grăbit mâzgălit pe un şerveţel, Annabelle simte că s-a săturat de viaţa ei; nu îşi doreşte moartea, dar tânjeste amarnic după libertate.
O ultimă plimbare în parc, atât cât să-şi adune gândurile, este întreruptă pe neaşteptate de apariţia misterioasă a unui necunoscut, un bărbat care pare să ştie totul despre ea şi despre planurile ei de a-şi pune capăt zilelor. Acesta îi va arăta o nouă cale – drumul către ea însăşi. Annabelle acceptă să-l întâlnească în următoarele douăzeci şi unu de zile şi încet, încet începe să descopere cine este ea cu adevărat. În cele din urmă i se împrăştie ceaţa din minte şi poate în sfârşit să îşi perceapă fumuseţea interioară, şi prin urmare frumuseţea exterioară, revoluţionându-şi viziunea asupra lumii care o înconjoară. Învaţă să se iubească pe sine însăşi şi să dăruiască în jurul ei cea mai pură formă de iubire.
Dar bărbatul acesta ciudat… Înseamnă atât de mult pentru ea acum. Cine sau ce este el?
After reading the strapline of Infinite Shades of Purple I wasn’t sure what I was going to make of the book. By the sounds of it, it starts off in a very dark place in the mind of a woman who feels she has nothing lift to give to life but then manages to turn this around and turn her pain into pure love and happiness…I think everyone needs a bit more of this in their life! I do really enjoy a deep and dark novel with twists and turns throughout but this one seemed to take a complete turn and my cynical side began to doubt how realistic this would come across. Never the less, I put all my feelings to one side and began to read… The book is only 200 pages long so it only took me a day or so to read bits here and there, lunch breaks…etc!
It starts off in a really, really dark place with Annabelle wanting to take a handful of pills she stole from the hospital to take her away from the miserable and lonely life she had been leading and after what seemed to have been an abrupt and heart breaking break-up, to a place where she could be at peace. Annabelle confides in a lonely looking tree in the nearby park that she decides she is going to take with her to ‘the other side’…until, a mystery man completely changes her life and really makes her look at the herself and the world in a totally different way, a more positive and self loving way. I do have to warm you that the dark place Annabelle starts in is VERY dark…it even got me thinking what things I would do as my last things on earth if I ever felt the same way she did, which was kinda scary that it got me thinking that deeply!
Whether you need a bit of positivity in your life or you want to be inspired and to open your mind to new things, this book is a definite read! It totally made me feel like I could rule the world after reading it! This book shows you how you can empower yourself, no matter what state of mind you are in or how far gone you think you are. There is always a way out, you just have to ask for help and I love that this book has opened my eyes to this. To be honest, it’s not something I have ever even thought about but I know there must be people out there thinking this about their lives. The book encourages you to find happiness within and not go looking for what you feel is missing externally, it teaches you to love what you already have and to find that happiness. The mystery man teaches Annabelle how to ‘self love’ and appreciate who she is on the inside. I get this might sound as though it’s a bit too deep on the old loving thyself thing but you really have to read it to understand exactly what I mean, I’m probably not describing the book in the best way I can…apologies!
See…this is what I mean! This book totally got me hooked and made me think in a completely different way.
Becky – The Lifestyle Blogger UK